When FREE Really Isn’t FREE: How Free Training Can Fail Employees Looking for Information

With the millions of videos on YouTube, why not just use it as a source for free training? Here’s how I recently got an expensive education using FREE videos.

OutplacementPro Debuts Booth at SHRM 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

In its inaugural showing, the OutplacementPro division of Prositions will exhibit a comprehensive suite of Outplacement and Transition products that advocate a ‘personal touch’

Mentoring Technology, Consulting Services, and Training Content Featured at the Prositions Exhibitor Booth during the SHRM 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition

Drop by booth #3206 to speak to the mentoring experts and for your chance to win their comprehensive mentoring skills course by Dr. Lois J. Zachary - Make Mentoring Count!

Gumby, Iron Man, and the Importance of Adaptive Leadership

Imagine Gumby and Iron Man as leaders in your organization. We all know what your teams would do to Gumby as their boss. They’d pull, twist, and bend him in every way possible. Gumby would ask the team to do something and they’d literally tie his hands behind his back and stick a foot in his yapper. Poor Gumby can’t lead. Why? Because he’s simply too flexible.Now imagine Iron Man bursting through the door (or window) for his first day on the job. Iron Man was hired to take charge and lead those teams through anything that life throws their way. We can probably guess how this scenario would play out. Iron Man would walk in and find his teams huddled closely together in the janitor’s closet. Iron Man can’t lead either. Why? Because he’s simply too rigid.

Prositions Obtains Master Distribution Rights of Diversity & Inclusion and Harassment Prevention Content Library

The agreement between Prositions and MYCA Learning includes the master distribution rights of their off-the-shelf library of courses
